"Marching Forward" is the UCF film that tells the story of two Orlando High School band leaders and their unique moment during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.James "Chief" Wilson was the band director at Jones High School for more…
Not only has 2020 changed our society due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but it also calls for social justice and equality, which changed policies, protocols and procedures following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.How do we use what we…
BY ROBERT BICKELStetson University College of Lawand GEN POLICINSKIFreedom Forum InstituteWhen the Supreme Court ruled in 1954 in Brown v. Board of Education that the segregationist doctrine of "separate but equal" was unconstitutional, our…
Civil rights movement photo courtesy of the Freedom ForumFrom ROBERT BICKEL andGEN POLICINSKIWhen the Supreme Court ruled in 1954 in Brown v. Board of Education that the segregationist doctrine of "separate but equal" was unconstitutional,…
I remember being confused.This was the usual Friday night routine at my mother's new home in South Montgomery. My two best friends and I were all around 15 years old. We shot tires down the street and caught up, then one of the two…
No account of Brevard's black history would be complete without a tribute to Harry and Harriette Moore, civil rights activists who were bombed to death in their home in Mims on Christmas night 1951.
Previously, the Moore taught at…
The iconic images of past protest movements bear at least one thing out: that dress is as much a political statement as a fashion one.
In each iteration of the ongoing movement for civil rights, Black people have strategically embraced…