Sugawara Given 3-12 months Civil Rights Suspension

Society 06/21/2021

Tokyo, June 21 (Jiji Press) – The Tokyo Constitutional Court has ordered a three-year suspension of civil rights for former Industry Minister Isshu Sugawara for distributing cash to voters in violation of the electoral law for public office, it said on Monday.

The court also sentenced Sugawara, a 59-year-old former member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party House of Representatives, to a fine of 400,000 yen under Wednesday’s order.

If Sugawara pays the fine, he will no longer be able to run for public office for three years, even in the upcoming general election in the autumn.

On June 8, he was served with a summary indictment of paying 530,000 yen in cash and 20 flower arrangements worth around 270,000 yen to 33 groups and 26 people in his constituency of Tokyo between April 2018 and October 2019.

Last year, the Tokyo District Prosecutor’s Office decided not to charge Sugawara, who was accused of distributing condolences in his constituency.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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