Staff’ Compensation Plaintiffs Regulation Corporations Discover Specialised Advertising and marketing Assist in New Nationwide Affiliation Alliance

Firmidable and WILG are increasing lawyer support for injured workers.

Lawyers for Workers Injured at Work have more resources to expand their practices and serve their clients thanks to Firmidable and WILG.

Firmidable has proven to be a valuable alliance to strengthen our brand and attract good customers. “

– Daren Sarphie, Workers’ Compensation, LLC, Metairie, LA

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, UNITED STATES, July 20, 2021 / – Injured Worker Law Firms can now access the most advanced digital, branding and advertising resources to support their mission and due to a new one. Reaching more prospects for Firmidable, a national law firm specializing in workers’ compensation.

Firmidable has partnered with the Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group (WILG), a national professional organization for labor lawyers, by becoming a member of The Advocates of WILG.

WILG lawyers are a network designed to connect labor law attorneys with specialized services to help their clients and strengthen their law firm.

“Employment law firms face many challenges, from the shift in government bar rules to an often intimidating internet legal market, to competition from aggressive personal injury attorneys,” said Doug Cardinale, senior account executive at Firmidable. “We are very excited to be joining The Advocates of WILG, where we can help American labor companies overcome these challenges to help more people who have been injured in the workplace.”

Firmidable is the # 1 workers’ compensation law firm. To mark its 30th anniversary, the agency is based in New Orleans but works with law firms from Maine to Hawaii.

“To be successful, an employee compliance law firm cannot talk to prospective clients like other lawyers,” said Nathan Chapman, president of Firmidable. “A law firm’s marketing has to be tailored to its clients. At Firmidable, we absolutely put your audience first when it comes to strategy and messaging. “

Labor lawyers across the country praise Firmidable’s approach:

“These are not your usual advertisers who use cookie cutter formats. Firmidable has proven to be a valuable alliance to strengthen our brand and attract good customers. “

– Daren Sarphie, Employee Compensation, LLC, Metairie, LA

“Firmidable kindled the most positive, optimistic and encouraging energy that I have felt from my partners for many months. Everyone believes that the future is better when you weigh the potentials and possibilities. ”

– Bruce Rosenberg, Managing Partner, Taylor & Associates, Phoenix

“I’m not entirely sure how two lawyers from western South Dakota got together with a marketing group from New Orleans over 25 years ago, but we’re glad we did! Nathan and his team took the time to understand what we are trying to do, who we want to help and why. “

– Michael Simpson, Julius & Simpson, Rapid City, SD

Learn more about the agency on Firmidable’s law firm marketing website.

Doug Cardinale
+1 504-525-0932
email us here
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July 20, 2021 at 11:02 pm GMT

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