Rand Paul Smears four Black Democrats to Evade Query on Impeachment Trial Witnesses

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) on Sunday diverted a question about witnesses in the impeachment proceedings of former President Donald Trump by smearing four black democratic officials.

In an interview, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace gave Paul a preview of the case the House impeachment executives will bring to Trump’s trial.

“They’re going to play videos of what happened that day,” Wallace said before showing off some of the video clips that the property managers could use as evidence.

“Isn’t that inciting an uprising?” the Fox News host asked.

“I can’t approve of any language,” said Paul, walking past the question. “I think you will see Maxine Waters’ Trump defense video telling the crowd to bully the Trump administration [officials] in restaurants and attack them. You will likely feature clips from Cory Booker saying they are facing these congressmen. You will likely see comments from [Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN)] I wish and celebrate the violence that happened to me when my six ribs were broken and part of my lungs were removed. I think you will see all of this and people will have to judge for themselves. “

“Are we going to indict and possibly prosecute people for political speech if they say stand up and fight for your country, let your voices be heard?” he went on. “Has nobody heard of figurative speech in this country?”

Paul argued, “You can’t just criminalize the Republican language and ignore all the Democrats who instigated violence.”

The Kentucky Republican added the name of Vice President Kamala Harris.

“If people want to hold President Trump accountable for the language, there has to be a uniform standard, and in my opinion it’s a partisan farce, as they do nothing to Chuck Schumer, Rep. Omar, nothing to Maxine, water,” said Paul. “It’s just not fair, it’s just partisan politics under a different name.”

Check out the video below from Fox News.

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