Prime Trump Advisor Slammed for ‘Inciting Rebellion’ on Fox Information the Morning After President Impeached
Healthcare work is at the forefront of the coronavirus pandemic. President Donald Trump is getting worse for refusing to advocate basic common sense behaviors to stop the spread and holding rallies where supporters stand close together while few wear masks.
A recent study found that 82% of the areas Trump recently rallied have seen coronavirus cases increase.
Therefore, it is especially offensive to Americans that doctors, nurses, technicians, and other healthcare workers put their lives and that of their families in imminent danger every day to save the lives President Donald Trump just lied about the deadly pandemic: Doctors blame for the large number of cases.
Trump literally just said that doctors are mistakenly attributing deaths to COVID-19 because they make thousands of dollars more for doing so.
That is absolutely wrong.
“In Germany you know whether you have a bad heart and are ready to die, or whether you have cancer and will soon die and get COVID. That happens, we mark it as COVID. Do you know our doctors get more money when someone dies of COVID, do you know that? “Trump asked the crowd and shared the lie while his supporters cheered.
“So what they do is they say, ‘I’m sorry but everyone is dying from COVID,'” Trump continued to lie. “But in Germany and in other places, if you have a heart attack or if you have cancer, you are terminally ill and you will get COVID. Then it says you died of cancer, you died of a heart attack. With us: “When in doubt, choose COVID.”
“Now they’ll say it’s horrible what he said.”
“It’s about $ 2,000 more so you can only get more money. That could only happen to us. “
Trump: You know our doctors get more money when someone dies of COVID.
– Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) October 30, 2020
Medical professionals, employees and health care professionals, as well as people from around the world, are outraged.
My doctor friends talk about their physical exhaustion, the emotional distress of patients who suffer and die without their families, and their frustration at the lack of equipment or guidance.
I haven’t heard of the cute COVID money the president is claiming. Strange.
– Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) October 30, 2020
More than 1,000 healthcare workers have died from COVID.
A competent president would have prevented that.
Trump not only failed, he is now attacking the victims.
– Ronald Klain (@RonaldKlain) October 30, 2020
Pres. Trump uses his last days of the campaign to follow up America’s health care workers
– Michael George (@MikeGeorgeCBS) October 30, 2020
As a doctor, I have problems when someone I care for dies.
I fight when I’ve done everything possible.
I am struggling to speak to her family.
I am struggling with my own mortality and mental health.
I am NOT struggling to maximize my billing.
POTUS you’re angry for blaming me for this. It hurts.
– Stephen H. Anderson, MD (@ACEPSteve) October 30, 2020
As a doctor’s spouse, I can’t tell you how angry this makes me. And that’s what he says in my home state of all places. #VoteHimOut
– Jason Shaw (@ shawboy278) October 30, 2020
@realDonaldTrump – I am a doctor from Germany and I tell you: don’t use us as an example for your lies anymore! Every word is a cruel lie and a slap in the face for all doctors in the world who do anything to save lives – lives that you trample! FOOL!! # MAGA2020
– Dzana Gellert (@ Dzana1407) October 30, 2020
If this were true, one would think that the would-be dictator, who pretends to do anything with his orders from the executive, would do something about this “fraud”. The fact that everything he has done is very common is evidence that he knows it is a lie.
– Frank Lesser (@sadmonsters) October 30, 2020
The quote from a doctor who persecutes me is how terrible it is to have to even “fight the person who is supposed to have your back” in the middle of it all.
Donald Trump NEVER had anyone back. Ever. And he never will.
– Kathy NJ (@ecclesias) October 30, 2020
In the past 3 days, Trump has mistakenly attacked firefighters, doctors and law enforcement agencies.
“I will always have your back.” (Knife in hand)
– HellvinlyFather 🇺🇲🇨🇦🇲🇼🇸🇿 (@KevinlyFather) October 30, 2020
Scientists, teachers, doctors, governors … I’m losing track of everyone we’re supposed to blame, except Trump.
– Aaron Rossi (@AaronJRossi) October 30, 2020
This atrocity is now slandering doctors.
In the middle of a pandemic.
– Kiel Christianson (@GolfWriterKiel) October 30, 2020
Final argument: “Doctors are bad”
– Jack Burton (@ kelly4NC) October 30, 2020