Prime Election Regulation Professional Urges Prosecution of Trump for ‘Shakedown’ Name and ‘Belated Poll Field Stuffing’ Demand
America’s foremost electoral law expert has accused the President of the United States of having committed a criminal and removable crime, and likely violating “federal and state” law, in his now infamous “shakedown” call on Saturday with Georgian Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
Chancellor Professor of Law and Political Science at the University of California, Irvine School of Law, Rick bunniesA letter in Slate stated that President Donald Trump “undoubtedly committed a criminal offense to remove him from office, which he will be leaving in less than three weeks, or to expel him from future elected office.”
“His tumultuous term ends as it began, with questions about the legality of conduct related to the manipulation of the American elections and a defense based precisely on the idea that Trump’s mind is so distorted that he actually believes in the nonsense that he is he spits out “, writes Hasen. “Trump may never be tried for what he did, but failure to prosecute him could lead to further deterioration in American democracy.”
Hasen says: “Trump tried to cheat himself and asked Raffensperger to be belatedly concerned with ballot boxes to help him.”
He points to this part of Trump’s hour-long conversation: “You know, I mean, I’ll notify you that you will allow it. Look here. I just want to do that. I just want to get 11,780 votes, one more than us because we won the state. “
Rabbit begs: “Make no mistake. In that last sentence, Trump urged Raffensperger to cast enough votes to dismiss the Georgia results based on nothing but Trump’s false accusations of fraud and irregularities. In the previous passage, it sounded a lot like he was threatening Raffensperger with a criminal offense if he didn’t do what Trump ordered. “
He says Trump asking Raffensperger to “find 11,780 votes” is “the definition of electoral fraud”. But he warns that “Trump is the rare potential criminal defendant who plausibly denies whether he accepts truths as clear as gravity, which makes any law enforcement difficult.”
Hasen urges the prosecutor to take up the case anyway in the interests of American democracy.
“A lack of law enforcement or investigation shows that there is little stopping the next authoritarian – perhaps more competent – from stealing an election. Trump got a lot closer this time than he should, and next time we may not be as lucky. “