Pan-African civil rights lawyer teaches youth tips on how to survive police encounters
For millions of Americans, the murder of George Floyd by the former Derek Chauvin Police Department in Minneapolis last year marked a turning point in collective consciousness. At last, it seemed, the nation was beginning to understand the police brutality pandemic. And when a jury of his colleagues recently convicted Chauvin – whose expression went from indifferent to sick – of triple homicide, the mainstream media quickly spoke of a postponement in US police and media coverage after the verdict.
A rare guilty verdict amid a sea of police misconduct, however, renders the criminal justice system not just about the families who lost loved ones to police violence before or after the police lynching of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many others.
Admission attorney Taalib Saber: The pan-African civil rights attorney who focuses on social justice and makes documentaries, knew even as a child that he wanted to be a lawyer. What he didn’t know at the time was that the later growth of his political and social consciousness would take him around the world, from law firms in the Washington DC area to Ghana, Uganda and other communities in the African diaspora.
A human rights and pan-Africanism advocate
“What I enjoy most is tying the legal practice to the youth,” said attorney Taalib Saber The Black Wall Street Times. “The award-winning attorney practices education, special education, civil and human rights, and personal injury law with DC-based Saber Law Firm, LLC.
Born and raised in Prince George’s County, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC, Saber earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland in 2010 and his Juris Doctor from North Carolina Central University School of Law in 2015 in Durham, North Carolina.
Saber said he loves being able to represent young black men and women, but also infusing knowledge about themselves and knowledge and awareness of their surroundings into them.
Saber teaches Know Your Rights classes
“When you see a young, black man as a lawyer, it becomes more tangible and accessible for you. I take pride in being relatable and approachable to the brothers and sisters in the ward, ”said Saber.
Taalib holds more titles than a price fighter and is co-chair of the Young Lawyer’s Division of the Washington Bar Association’s Social Justice Committee and executive director of Movement for Black Power, a DC-based organization dedicated to creating justice, Liberation and power for blacks in America and abroad.
As the director of the Movement for Black Power, Saber works directly with youth, teaching Know Your Rights courses that focus on police encounters.
“It’s important for people to understand that there are two ways to deal with police encounters: do whatever it takes to get home safe or fight like Nat Turner, Gabriel Prosser, Toussaint L’Ouverture and Queen Nzinga,” said Prosecutor Taalib Saber.
Survive a police encounter
L’Ouverture, a formerly enslaved Haitian who led a successful revolt against the French Empire in the 18th century, and Nzinga, a 16th-century Mbundu leader in what is now Angola, who waged a 30-year war against the slaves of the Portuguese led empires both represent the height of black revolutionary resistance against European colonization.
“Many want the legacy of those named, but do not want to experience death. If that is you, you have to worry about getting home safely, ”warned Saber.
“There are two things to watch out for in police encounters: What crime do you suspect of me and may I go? You don’t have to answer questions from the police if you are not accused of a crime, ”added Saber. However, if you are accused of a crime, according to Saber, the most important thing is to let the officer (s) know that you will not speak without a lawyer.
Pan-Africanism connects roots
“The state has to prove that you committed a crime, so don’t make it easy for them by talking. Anything can and will be used against you to prove your case, ”added Saber.
As if his schedule wasn’t full enough, Saber also organizes Pan-Africanism in DC, Maryland and various countries in West, East and South Africa.
“Pan-Africanism is the social, cultural, spiritual and political association of the African people,” said attorney Taalib Saber The Black Wall Street Times.
The community-organizing attorney compared a people with no knowledge of their history to a tree separated from their roots and described how pan-Africanism connects Americans of African descent to Africans across the diaspora.
An award-winning lawyer
“It gives us more power and prestige in the fight against oppression, exploitation and humiliation,” said prosecutor Saber.
And he would know. Saber recently gave a keynote address on leadership in Africa at the Great Lakes Peace Center Conference 2017 in Kasese, Uganda, and a year later he gave a keynote address on entrepreneurship, Pan-Africanism and resource ownership to several universities in Ghana. In the same year he received the Men Impact Change Award for his work in education.
Saber is no stranger to recognition for his work in the global African community, receiving the Donald A. Thigpen Rising Star Award from the Washington Bar Association Young Lawyer’s Division in 2020.
Ultimately, attorney Taalib Saber said that the best way to reach the youth is through media and the arts.
Art as activism
He puts words into action and has recently entered the post-production phase for an upcoming documentary series entitled “Afro-Hop: Politics and Hip Hop”.. The film focuses on the intersectionality of music, politics and pan-Africanism.
The media is able to change people’s behavior patterns and way of thinking by fusing art with activism, the impact will be greater. The youth are deeply affected by the way artists and entertainers move and work.
“The media is able to change people’s behavior and way of thinking by fusing art with activism, the impact will be greater. The youth are deeply affected by the way artists and entertainers move and work, ”said attorney Taalib Saber.
To learn more about attorney Taalib Saber, visit him on social media or at
Taalib Saber attorney