NY Prosecutors Now Have Possession of Trump Tax Information He Tried for Years to Disguise

The Manhattan District Attorney hired Mark Pomerantz, an attorney who is a nationally renowned expert on organized crime, banking fraud, and RICO cases, to help investigate former President Donald Trump.

The New York Times reports that Manhattan Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., “has hired a prominent former federal attorney outside his ranks to help review the financial operations of the former president’s firm.”

Pomerantz’s biography at the University of Pennsylvania’s Carey Law School reads like that of a Mafia prosecutor.

“Mark has extensive experience in financial services industry affairs,” it states, “including securities and banking fraud, postal and wire fraud, RICO and FCPA violations, tax fraud, and bribery.”

He also won an “Outstanding Achievement in White-collar Crime and Government Investigations” award and was a “Federal Attorney in the US District Attorney for the Southern Borough of New York” and headed the crime department in that office from 1997-1999. ”

Vance’s investigation into Trump, the Times adds, “focuses on potential tax and banking frauds, including whether the Trump organization has misled its lenders or local tax authorities about the value of his real estate in order to obtain credit and tax breaks receive.”