New snapshot of COVID-19 associated employees’ compensation claims in 2020

Safe Work Australia has released a new report that provides a snapshot of the data on COVID-19 related employee compensation claims for 2020.

The data in the snapshot was captured quickly to provide Australian workers with timely notice of the effects of COVID-19.

The report uses preliminary data from Commonwealth, State and Territory Workers’ Compensation Agencies and details of COVID-19 worker compensation claims by type, industry, occupation and jurisdiction.

As of December 31, 2020:

1,222 employee compensation claims related to COVID-19 have been submitted

974 applications were accepted, 127 applications were rejected and 121 applications were pending

75% of accepted and pending claims were related to employees contracted with COVID-19

69% of accepted and pending applications came from the health and welfare industries

The occupation of employees in the area of ​​“community and personal services” had the highest number of claims

Victoria had the highest number of accepted and pending claims by jurisdiction

/ Public release. This material is from the original organization and may be of a temporal nature and may be edited for clarity, style and length. Full view here.