Native religion, civil rights leaders speak about creating change

He has described it as a mission from God and his work in churches across the country is focused on justice and faith.

“The main reason I’m in Minnesota today is to change the conversation. We’ve looked into everything but the real problems they cause,” he said, pointing to the headstones in the cemetery.

“It is time we stopped lying and grappled with the truth … The main problem is that America has failed to deal with the legacy of slavery and the consequences of racial segregation,” added Meredith.

Rabbis, pastors, and others met with Meredith to see how faith leaders can play a role in moving forward.

“We are actually gathering people to turn these gatherings into not only spaces of celebration and worship but also social change,” said Pastor Kelly Chapman of the Center for Leadership and Neighborhood Engagement.

“I think there was some silence. We all talk about how we know racism is a problem, but how do we show our voice, how do we use our voice to improve it?” said Waarvik.

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