Matt Gaetz Handed Investigators a ‘Super Reward’ After Intercourse Trafficking Accusations Revealed: Authorized Consultants

“Reporting is probably just the tip of the iceberg”

After the additional flood of reporting on Thursday evening, it appears US MP Matt Gaetz (R-FL) could get into more serious trouble than originally thought, including a mandatory minimum 10 year sentence. But any news we have now may just be the “tip of the iceberg,” a reporter for the New York Times suggested.

Michael Schmidt, a reporter for the New York Times, said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday that the Florida congressman not only allegedly used cash apps to pay for sex, but also used ATMs in the hotel lobby without bothering make to cover his tracks.

“You haven’t taken great strides to hide this. Gaetz or Greenberg went to an ATM in the hotel they were in – they often met these women in hotels, ”explained Schmidt.

In addition to paying women for sex, Gaetz allegedly used cash apps to fuel these encounters and left a digital trail of receipts, according to reports from the New York Times and CNN. The Times also reported late Thursday that Gaetz allegedly used the illegal drug ecstasy during sex.

“We could see some of the messages, the back and forth about how these women were paid or paid,” Schmidt told MSNBC. “They got paid through apps on their cell phones, cash apps, and Apple Pay.”

Former US attorney Joyce Vance announced that the DOJ investigation was going on longer than initially thought, likely since January 2020 when she outlined the “criminal hazard” Gaetz might face.

“There are many different ways for the congressman to expose federal crime related to this set of facts and something I’ve heard [NY Times reporter Michael Schmidt] Predicting this, that is very correct, is that the coverage is probably just the tip of the iceberg for this to go, and to become a full federal investigation, there are some reports that the first spike occurred in January 2020 Has. So that would be a year-long investigation if it works, ”Vance revealed. “And it is likely that there is a lot more to support this.”

“There is a specific law that specifically criminalizes children and girls, the use of the Internet, or any kind of intergovernmental means to entice girls into this type of commercial sex trafficking, but there are a number of federal agency laws aimed at addressing this, and the federal prosecutors in particular, take this type of crime very seriously, ”she warned.