Matt Gaetz Blasted After Standing Up for Anti-LGBTQ Hate Group Whereas Selling ‘Fascist Sympathizer’

US MP Matt Gaetz (R-FL) stood up for the Thursday Family Research Council, a hate group that has spent nearly 40 years spreading dangerous lies about LGBTQ people under the guise of “freedom of religion”. He also attacked the Southern Poverty Law Center, a decade-old institution that tracks and reports on the more than 800 current hate groups of all kinds in the United States

It wasn’t good for the Florida Congressman as some rushed to remind Gaetz, a top Trump MAGA supporter, of his own associations with the far right.

Gaetz tweeted an article from conspiracy theory website Gateway Pundit, the owner of which has been regularly referred to as the dumbest man on the internet. The article by Cassandra Fairbanks paints Gaetz in a very favorable light for his right-wing extremist supporters. Fairbanks previously worked for Sputnik, the state media site for the Russian government.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group.

The designation of @FRCdc by @ splcenter as a “hate group” prompted a troubled leftist to blow up the headquarters of the Family Research Council.

(via @CassandraRules)

– MP Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) March 25, 2021

The SPLC is not a hate group.

Fairbanks is a “self-proclaimed fascist sympathizer,” according to Jared Holt, an expert on domestic extremism.

Sharing articles by a self-proclaimed fascist sympathizer with the SPLC

– Jared Holt (@jaredlholt) March 25, 2021

Journalist Christopher Mathias offered a similar characterization:

Hardly a week goes by without a GOP congressman promoting / citing fascist propaganda.

This time, Gaetz is promoting Cassandra Fairbanks, a right-wing extremist white nationalist / sympathizer.

– Christopher Mathias (@letsgomathias) March 25, 2021

Gaetz also suggested that MAGA is not a dangerous extremist group:

How long will it take for MAGA hats to be considered an “extremist symbol”?

How long does it take for Christian or pro-life groups to be “too extreme” for the ruling woketopians?

Dems love to use the term “extremism” to describe Republicans, Conservatives, and the group they hate most … Trump supporters.

– MP Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) March 25, 2021

This is how some react to the attack by Congressman Gaetz.

The journalist Daniel Moritz-Rabson has published a graphic from Fairbanks, which appears on VDARE with its founder. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, VDARE is a white nationalist hate group.


– Daniel Moritz-Rabson (@DMoritzRabson), March 25, 2021

Journalist Sam Youngman notes that MP Gaetz brought up Holocaust denier Chuck / Charles Johnson to address the state of the Union and appears to continue to support Trump’s attempt to topple the election:

This person brought a Holocaust denier into the Union state and voted against honoring the police who fought the January 6th terrorists.

– Sam Youngman (@samyoungman) March 25, 2021

This twitter user offered the details:

Is this you? Https://

– Bizarrobrain (@bizarrobrain) March 25, 2021

White Supremacist Tracker:

One guy targeted the FRC because they’re bigots.

– Eyes Right (@EyesOnTheRight) March 25, 2021

Retired Journalist:

Family Research Council:

– “Homosexual behavior is objectively harmful”

– “People can stop being LGBTQ through conversion therapy” (illegal in Nevada)

– Homosexual marriage is “fake” marriage.

The FRC thinks so. SPLC simply quotes them. Because FRC is a hate group.

– Jonhumbert (@ Jonhumbert) March 25, 2021


Bullshit, Matt. There is an active racist insurgency going on and you are a part of it. It’s un-American as hell.

– Curley (@CurveyArt) March 25, 2021

This is the classic Goebbels technique that you use to blame your enemies for what you actually owe.

– Matthew Spira (@MatthewSpira) March 25, 2021

Matt Gaetz’s post, which was blown up after campaigning for the anti-LGBTQ hate group while promoting the “fascist sympathizer,” first appeared in the New Civil Rights Movement.