Letter: We help the proposed family medical depart program in North Dakota

As doctors, we see firsthand the physical and emotional stress our patients experience when they have to choose between family and income. Many of us have taken care of critically ill infants who contracted daycare infections because their mothers returned to work before they could get their first vaccinations.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous patients have lost their jobs because they had to stay at home to take care of a family member.

Paid family vacations have far-reaching health and economic benefits. It’s been linked to lower child mortality rates, longer breastfeeding times, and improvements in maternal mental health. Paid leave is associated with a higher participation of women in the labor force.

As the population ages, more workers in North Dakotan are becoming unpaid carers. The paid vacation allows employees to maintain loyalty to the workforce, which ultimately benefits the economy.

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The lack of paid family leave has significant costs: it hinders the advancement and income of the workforce, jeopardizes economic security, and has a negative impact on family health.

We encourage you to get involved by reaching out to your representatives and asking them to support Family Paid Vacation, House Bill1441.

Medical professionals: Dr. Natalie Dvorak, Dr. Grant Syverson, Dr. Ellen Vogels, Dr. Sabha Ganai, Dr. Stefanie Hanisch, Dr. Samantha Perleberg, Dr. Rebecca Bakke, Dr. Alicia Glynn, Dr. Stephanie Antony, Dr. Jennifer Mullally, Dr. Ann Safo, Dr. Lara Lunde, Dr. Megan Bowen, Dr. Angela Strang, Dana Stegmiller, Dr. Debra Walker, Dr. Christopher Tiongson, Dr. Barbara Bentz, Dr. Stephen McDonough, Dr. Patricia Scherrer Kathy Anderson, Jagila Minso, Nabeel Manzar, Kristie Toman, Stephen Tinguely, Amy Oksa, Maria Weller, Carrie Ann Ranum, Brenda Thurlow, Molly Linn, Dr. Julie Kenien-Erpelding, Sara Paur, Dr. Alex Thompson, Dr. Koye Overinde, Dr. Rafael Ocejo, Dr. Steffany Moen, Dr. Justin Horner, Dr. Teresa Frey, Dr. Brandon Meyer, Amanda Oney, Dr. Batoule Majed, Dr. Brennan Forward, Dr. Chris Cleveland, Dr. Alison Hornyak, Dr. Stephanie Hanson, Dr. Carrie Brower-Breitwieser, Dr. Katherine Klipfel, Dr. Rebecca Preussler, Dr. Lindsay Hines; and medical student Jonathan Pacella

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