Invoice Permitting Employees to File Stress Claims Advances| Employees Compensation Information

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 | 0

The New York Senate passed law on Monday opening the door for all workers who are under severe stress at work to file a compensation claim for workers for psychological injuries related to the stress.

SB 6373, passed by Senate 44-19, would amend the law in force to allow workers suffering psychological injury due to “exceptional work-related stress” to file an employee compensation claim.

The Bill by Senator Diane J. Savino, D-Staten Island, also states that the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board “must not reject the claim if it is actually determined that the burden was no greater than what it was usually in the normal working environment. “

Currently, the law only applies to police officers, firefighters, paramedics and dispatchers who suffer psychological injuries as a result of exceptional work stress.

The bill was submitted to the Assembly for consideration. When it goes into effect, it would take effect on January 1, 2022.

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