GOP Lawmaker Threatens MLB With Probably Unconstitutional Invoice Revoking Antitrust Exemption After Trump Jr. Goes Nuts

In a highly unusual and likely unconstitutional move, a U.S. Congressman threatens to revoke Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption in retaliation for MLB’s just-announced decision to play the famous All-Star game through in response to the signing of a massive voter to pull Georgia Governor Brian Kemp out of Atlanta.

“Given @MLB’s stance on undermining electoral integrity laws, I have directed my staff to begin drafting laws to remove the Major League Baseball antitrust exemption.” Rep. Jeff DuncanThe South Carolina Republican tweeted at 3:59 p.m. on Friday.

“An overwhelming bipartisan majority of Americans support the ID card requirement, and any organization that misuses its power to oppose safe elections deserves heightened scrutiny under the law,” added Duncan, whose Twitter bio him ironically considered “Lovers of football”.

Rep. Duncan grabs a huge blow with his tweets by falsely implying that the Georgia voter suppression law only requires a driver’s license to vote (it’s one of the greatest, if not one, of modern electoral suppression laws). And anyone can choose a poll to make their claim come true, but laws shouldn’t be based solely on majority opinion.

The voter ID laws disproportionately and negatively affect black voters, which is why the Democrats speak out against them. The number of people trying to fraudulently vote under someone else’s name is so few. Why would someone disenfranchise millions of other voters to do this – unless they are Republicans and know they will lose if they don’t vote unfairly.

Oddly enough, Duncan, an anti-LGBTQ extremist who tabled a bill in 2018 banning U.S. embassies from flying the flag of LGBT pride, appears to tweet his unconstitutional threat in response to this tweet from Donald Trump, Jr. to have:

Republicans in Congress should seek immediate action to lift the @MLB’s antitrust exemption.

Grow some balls and fight fire with fire.

– Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 2, 2021

How do we even know Duncan Jr. saw the tweet? Because he tagged it in his own tweet:

CC @DonaldJTrumpJr

– Rep. Jeff Duncan (@RepJeffDuncan) April 2, 2021

Duncan apparently has a problem understanding the first change. Aside from today’s misstep, the South Carolina Republican Congressman was also outright ridiculed in 2018 for falsely claiming the first amendment applied to Facebook, demanding that Conservative freedom of speech be “restored”.

Needless to say, the response to Rep. Duncan’s abusive threat of a possible violation of the First Amendment has been strong.

– Kevin M. Kruse (@ KevinMKruse) April 2, 2021

Ahemhttps: //

– The first change (@USConst_Amend_I) April 2, 2021

Anti-democracy extremist Jeff Duncan calls on Failson to help overthrow the first amendment.

– Geiiga (@anyone_famous) April 2, 2021

Look at me papa, look at me

– Debbie Hermens (@debbiehermens) April 2, 2021

Ie: “We will punish them for criticizing a false law that aims to drive out as many black and / or democratic voters as possible. By the way, we are against breaking off the culture. “

– Michael Musto (@mikeymusto) April 2, 2021

As a legislator, I’d assume you’re familiar with the first amendment, but this tweet and your proposed legislation doesn’t seem to be as it would be in violation of this bill!

– EAS (@ ellescott1) April 2, 2021

Dude, they made it a crime to have people standing in line to choose to give food and water. Lines that were more than 11 hours long

If you really care about election integrity, investigate.

– Soopervillain @ (@Excellentspeelr) April 2, 2021

So we’re using government power to punish companies for political positions we don’t like?

Jim Jordan, did you want the RT? Or have you tried to condemn this dangerous culture of abandonment?

– Jeff Sites for Congress (@ Sites4Congress) April 2, 2021

“Alexa, give me an example of point of view-based retaliation legislation that may violate the First Amendment.”

Alexa: Please see above.

– Autarkh (@Autarkh) April 2, 2021