ESU professor named to Pa. advisory committee to civil rights fee

The US Civil Rights Commission announced the appointment of Christopher T. Brooks, Associate Professor of History and Geography at East Stroudsburg University, to a four-year term on the commission’s Pennsylvania Advisory Committee.

“I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to consult with my new colleagues and look forward to advising interested stakeholders here in the Commonwealth and Washington, DC,” said Brooks, one of 15 Pennsylvanians who supported their Work will be selected for this advisory role.

In addition to teaching at ESU, Brooks has published numerous articles, including the one for his monthly column “Historically Speaking” for The Morning Call. He co-authored two books on German labor law.

Brooks served in various roles for the ESU, including serving the Faculty of Athletics from 2011 to 2014, representing the ESU and its faculty in their relationship with the NCAA, and currently leading the counseling program before the law. He is a general board member of the Northeast Association of Pre-Law Advisors.

His current research is on John S. Rock, the first African American attorney to argue in the US Supreme Court, and has worked with the Institute of Justice and the National Constitution Center on the subject.

According to its website, the United States Civil Rights Commission “was established by the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and is the only independent, bipartisan agency that advises the President and Congress on civil rights and reports annually on federal civil rights enforcement should. Our 51 state advisory boards provide a comprehensive perspective on civil rights issues at the state and local levels. “