Employees’ Compensation Underwriters Beneath the Gun to Perceive Pandemic Information

Worker Compensation Underwriters are being tested like never before in the marketplace.

While the current situation isn’t solely due to the pandemic, the pandemic “put gas in an already burning fire” according to a new report that found the cost of losing employee compensation has been falling for years and cost ratios are falling climbed.

Cloud tech firm Insurity’s Workers ‘Compensation Industry Trends report identifies several key trends, including a decline in new business, stagnation in renewals, expected premium losses, and low investment returns, that workers’ compensation insurers need to consider in order to “protect and maintain claims ratios in competition for Rewards on the current and post-pandemic market. “

“One thing is clear: the convergence of all these trends will drive the effects of this pandemic well into 2021 and possibly beyond. In the end “business as usual”. won’t cut it. Success depends on a level of underwriting excellence that has not yet been tested, ”the report concludes.

According to the report, airlines will need to choose better prices and the right risks in the future, while finding ways to reduce their cost ratios.

The report is based on an analysis of second and third quarter data from the Valen Data Consortium, a proprietary database of property and casualty insurance, claims, billing and filing data with a total premium volume of $ 100 billion ($ 60 billion to Employee bonuses). It contains data on employee compensation for more than 20 years. The report looks at the impact of the pandemic on deals, renewals and prices.

The authors emphasize the importance of the data used in analyzing the events during the pandemic.

“Insurers today may look at their books and think that they are in a better financial position than they actually are. This is because the underlying data does not reflect actual payroll / exposure, which means there may be a significant amount of premium returned upon examination. This will extend the impact of this pandemic into 2021 and beyond, ”said JJ Ihrke, Head of Analytics and Chief Scoring Officer at Insurity.

The trends show that insurers are under pressure from three main forces: decline in new business; Renewal stagnation; the potential return on a substantial premium due to retrospective reviews reflecting layoffs and vacation days during the pandemic and low investment returns.

New business

New company filings for all industries were down 10% in the second and third quarters of 2020 compared to 2019, with the arts, entertainment and accommodation sectors declining even more at 23% and public administration and other services also declining significantly at 17% the report.

Many of these companies’ owners have likely been too busy with other business to take the time to buy insurance, the authors suggest. They are reminding insurers that in a pandemic it is harder to find, write, and price new business. As such, insurers should consider “focusing their attention on new companies and market segments that can support new business” and focusing on data analysis to help them compete in new markets.

“With new business prices down as much as 23% in some industries, profitability from underwriting becomes incredibly important as insurers simply cannot afford to miss out on scarce new business opportunities,” Ihrke said.

(The last half of 2020 saw a surprising surge in US business startups. After falling 30% in the weeks following the March lockdowns, new business registrations spiked in June, ending the year’s overall record, according to a US Census Bureau the country had around 600,000 more business applications by early October than in the same period in 2019, and nearly 200,000 of them were in online commerce, according to a breakdown by the US Census Bureau.)

After cratering by 30% in the weeks following the March lockdown, filings filed by prospective companies started growing in June, ending the year leading up to 2019 by nearly a quarter. This was found in an analysis by the U.S. Census Bureau of federal tax documents.

According to John Haltiwanger, an economist at the University of Maryland, that was the highest annual total.

The boom in entrepreneurship is against the backdrop of the mass shutdowns of established small businesses as the coronavirus shut down stores and kept people at home. The National Restaurant Association estimates that 17% of US restaurants – or approximately 110,000 establishments – are either permanently or long-term closed.


Policy renewals in September 2020 were 97% of September 2019, according to Valen, according to Valen. The report warns that while constant retention rates are a good thing, in this case it can be a sign that companies are not during the pandemic shopping, and no sign of what lies ahead.

In addition, the guidelines have likely been renewed at current tariffs, indicating that the data shows that payroll has been consistently constant from pre-COVID levels.

Ongoing payrolls could be misleading, the report said, as post-pandemic premium reviews could reveal “significant declines in payrolls,” which would result in insurers having to repay large amounts of premiums to those insured.

Premiums decrease

Falling loss costs and competitive pressure have prompted insurers to further reduce premiums despite stable wage and salary statements. Safety research conducted with McKinsey & Co. in 2019 found the National Compensation Insurance Council’s expense ratio for the 10 most common class codes decreased by an average of 21% over the period 2013-2018.

“In view of the fact that the effects of the pandemic will be felt well into 2021 and are associated with falling damage costs, insurers can expect a lack of adequate premium financing for the foreseeable future. This again underlines the criticality of risk selection and pricing in order to improve differentiation from the competition and to open up new companies and markets, ”warns the report.

Low investment returns are another trend that is exacerbating the challenges.

“With impaired investment returns and the dramatic impact of the pandemic that is putting insurers’ books at risk, improved risk selection and pricing is now paramount to underwriting profitability,” the report said. Workers’ compensation insurers could be particularly affected if COVID-19 legislation in some states increases the severity of losses for certain industries, e.g. B. For health workers on the front lines.

Six steps

The full report includes six steps underwriters can take to address the challenges ahead:

  • Improve the precision of risk selection and pricing.
  • Look for operational efficiencies.
  • Leverage third-party data and data consortia.
  • Get a contextual view of the risk.
  • Know what is insured and actively manage it.
  • Leverage ecosystems to quickly implement solutions.

“Time is of the essence. Insurers can’t wait to understand the impact this pandemic is having on their portfolios. You need to change gears now – pricing and risk selection with a new level of precision, implementing loss history models that accelerate growth in new markets, understanding COVID hotspots and risk accumulations – and most importantly, being able to manage risk in real time. “The authors guess.

Source: Report on Employee Compensation Industry Trends