Dr. Rachel Levine Turns into First Overtly-Transgender Nominee to Be Senate Confirmed in Historic Vote

Dr. Rachel Levine has just been confirmed as Deputy Minister of Health for the Department of Health and Human Services in an historic vote. She is the first Senate-approved candidate for open transgender people. The vote took place between 52 and 48, with all Democrats voting for it and two Republicans joining the yes votes.

“At a time when hateful politicians are arming trans lives for their own perceived political gain, Dr. Levine’s affirmation focuses on the contributions that trans people make to our nation and deflates absurd arguments in favor of their exclusion,” said Annise Parker, the former mayor of Houston and now president of the Victory Fund and the Victory Fund Institute, said.

As the Washington Post notes, Dr. Levine the highest-ranking overt transgender officer in US history.

“I firmly believe that turning points like today’s Senate confirmation of the appointment of Dr. Levine are strong indicators that this nation is really on the path to permanent transgender equality,” said the former Obama official Government, Raffi Freedman-Gurspan The first openly transgender officer to work in the White House, the Post said.

President Joe Biden nominated Dr. Levine, who serves as the Pennsylvania Secretary of Health and is Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at Penn State College of Medicine.

The Senate confirms Dr. Rachel Levine as Assistant Secretary of Health, 52-48.

She is the first trans person ever to be ratified by the Senate. pic.twitter.com/fkmdbUbdYi

– The recount (@therecount) March 24, 2021