Congresswoman Slammed for Claiming Biden and Harris ‘Say We’re All Racists’

US Representative Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) has been criticized for falsely claiming that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris “said we are all racists” after a jury conviction by former police officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd.

“You know, it’s just one sad day in America that the President of the United States and Vice President of the United States don’t welcome our judicial system passing the test,” Lesko told Fox News on Wednesday morning. “Justice was served. Instead, they say we are all racists. “

Neither the President nor the Vice President said, “We are all racists,” and they did not even come close to saying that. Both Biden and Harris pointed to systemic racism in their brief comments Tuesday night.

Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ): “It’s just a sad day in America that the President of the United States and Vice President of the United States do not welcome our judicial system passing the test. Justice has been served. Instead, they say we are all racists. “

– The recount (@therecount) April 21, 2021

“America has a long history of systemic racism. Black Americans – and black men in particular – have been treated as less human throughout our history, ”said Vice President Harris.

“It was a murder in the light of day,” said President Biden, “and it has kept the whole world from seeing the systemic racism that the Vice President was referring to – the systemic racism that is tarnishing the soul of our nation.” ;; the knee on the neck of justice for black Americans; the deep fear and trauma, pain, exhaustion that black and brown Americans experience every day. “

Lesko is a far-right Republican who voted to discard the 2020 presidential election results. She rejects the LGBTQ Equality Act and called on the US Supreme Court in 2019 to rule that discrimination against LGBTQ people is legal.

The comments of Congresswoman Lesko were not well received. Some have suggested that their false claims are in response to a “guilty conscience” or, as many say, “a batting dog will roar”.

If she thinks this is sad, she must be in tears over the way the former president attacked the judicial system, including selfish interferences with ongoing cases and pardons for those who might incriminate him

– (((George Acs))) efDefeat Nascent Fascism (@TheAcsMan) April 21, 2021

He didn’t say that, but you seem guilty.

– Maria Dy (@DyMdillon) April 21, 2021

My mother always said that a hound would roar. Looks like Debbie is yelling.

– Nita Reddinger (@nita_reddinger) April 21, 2021

Justice would be if Floyd could go home to his family. This was just accountability. The only way to ensure justice is for you all to make sure no more George Floyd happens, no more masking this than adequate, and failing to do your job.

Oh and yes, you are racist.

– Abhinav (@Abhinav_das_) April 21, 2021

Hit too close to home, don’t you? There is no point in seeking justice in the white national party.

– Pat Andrews (@patinindy) April 21, 2021

I missed that part where the president said, “You are all racists.” Please identify this quote @RepDLesko.

– Bryan Smith (@bryrsmith) April 21, 2021

You what is a sad day for america? Every day an @GOP member from Arizona tries to use something as important as this judgment to inflame the base of Trump supporters back home.

– David Dean Bottrell (@DavidDBottrell) April 21, 2021

Um … who is ‘we’?

– Ramona Grigg (@RamonaGrigg) April 21, 2021

The @GOP have no ideas or prospects for the future. You bring nothing to the negotiating table. So @DebbieLesko, like many Republicans, just sow Double & Discord. Their party is in tatters, they don’t even like each other.

– Willie @ (@LivingWillie) April 21, 2021

Hey @RepDLesko I’ve always heard that a battered dog will roar and you will surely pass this test.

– TD (@OscarsPop) April 21, 2021

A hit dog becomes holla 😂

– “DJ Ku Rx” (@DJKuRx) April 21, 2021

A hound roars

– AmbitiousBlackWomen21💛🗳 @ (@APDeniseW) April 21, 2021

Must have hit a nerve with her. What is the old saying “A Hit Dog Hollers”? Yes

– Sunshinegirl1962🥁🥁🥁😷🇺🇸 (@Jodygirlthatsme) April 21, 2021

If the shoe fits …

– Dawn (@AlternativeDon) April 21, 2021

@RepDLesko interesting you heard that. I heard the President and Vice President discuss SYSTEMIC racism based on a long history of slavery, Jim Crow and current unbalanced power structures.

– Eli (@elikdh) April 21, 2021

It ignites the flames of division and fuels ignorance by feeding the “radically liberal” narrative and ignores that systemic changes in the police and justice system benefit everyone, including law enforcement. It is entirely correct that executives propose to fix it.

– Doggles “… respect the chair and shut your mouth” (@ KLUV05821981) April 21, 2021

Did you hit a nerve?

– Beacher Greathands (@BGreathands) April 21, 2021

So, if you don’t want to be called a racist, stop saying racist stuff?

– Laura McLain will be vaccinated on April 21, 2021 (@ LauraK9doc)