CNN’s Tapper Drops the Hammer on ‘Harmful’ Trump in Brutal Opening

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden delivered a key speech on Monday denouncing the violence in America while attacking President Donald Trump for fueling it and blaming the former vice president.

“Trump and Pence run on it and I find it fascinating to quote: ‘You will not save Joe Biden’s America.’ And what is their evidence? The violence we see in Donald Trump’s America, “Biden told supporters during a speech in Pittsburgh.

“These are not pictures of an imaginary ‘Joe Biden America’ in the future. These are images of Donald Trump’s America today. “

“He keeps telling you that if he were just president, it wouldn’t happen if he were president. He keeps telling us that if he were president you would feel safe. Well, he’s president whether he knows it or not. And it happens. It’s getting worse and you know why Because Donald Trump adds fuel to every fire. Because he refuses to acknowledge that there is a racial justice problem in America because he does not stand up to any form of violence. “

Biden also accused Trump of “having no problem with right-wing militias, white supremacists and guards with offensive weapons, who are often better armed than the police, often in the midst of the violence against and targeting demonstrators”.

Biden was immediately praised by many.

Mic. Freaking. Falling.

– Mike (@ ChaiMike26) August 31, 2020

Yes to more of that Joe Biden, please!

– DeezNutz® ?? ?? (@ DeezNut64325575) August 31, 2020

I swear to god Biden is executing an absolutely perfect strategy for Trump

– Attorney @ Law (@TheGlare_TM) August 31, 2020

This is a very subtle yet effective burn. “Whether he knows or not,” I love it. Keep it up, Joe!

– RMF Esq. (@ Impotus045) August 31, 2020

“Whether he knows it or now” <<< hahahahahahaha

– IR Cohen (@ IRCards3) August 31, 2020

? Made the best and truest statement

– Mrs. Nicholson? (@tocaknock) August 31, 2020

… and long overdue.

– Mark Cody (@MarkCody) August 31, 2020

I’ve been waiting for great stuff from Biden

– Sean Collins Art (@SeanCollinsArt) August 31, 2020

Go joe. Good stuff. We need a lot of it. @Joe Biden

– A-Aron Sy-ack (@AArontweetz), August 31, 2020

Today Joe Biden called Donald Trump a liar. That’s great. More of that. Because that’s exactly what he is. He’s a pathological liar. Joe Biden and we should all just call him that.

– Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) August 31, 2020

Biden finally brought some sanity to bear. He kept reminding us that Trump is full of shit.

180,000 Covid deaths, volatile economy, racist tensions, violence on the streets – this is Trump’s America. He’s the president. He owns it.

Let’s vote for America @JoeBiden.

– Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro), August 31, 2020

I’ve cried twice so far!

– Squirrelgurl ?????? (@jewelswhalen) August 31, 2020

This is an amazing speech #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

– Trump loses (@ lilly20122) on August 31, 2020

# BidenHarris2020Landslide

– Julie Kaplan (@ JulieKa28227049) August 31, 2020

Finally, say what needs to be said.

– Tina is wearing a mask ??? (@tinmarbie) August 31, 2020