CLM to Maintain Webinar on Rising Declare Decision Developments| Employees Compensation Information
Monday, August 23, 2021 | 0
The insurance association CLM is holding a webinar on Thursday on emerging trends in claims processing.
Taylor Smith
The panelists will discuss issues such as court delays, hybrid workforces and what is known as “zoom fatigue” and make recommendations on how claims organizations can stay productive and engaged.
Taylor Smith, President of Suite 200 Solutions, will moderate the discussion. Panelists include Jeanette Hernandez, Ringler’s Chief Business Development Officer; Stephen Hunckler, chief claims officer of the California State Compensation Insurance Fund; and Fausto Martin, Senior Vice President of Claims, Federated National Insurance.
The webinar will take place on Easter Thursday at 1 p.m.
Further information and a registration form can be found here.