Chicagoland prep faculty Loyola could have violated civil rights of conservative college students, Military vet

EXCLUSIVE: A top class preparatory school for Chicagoland Jesuit College may have violated the civil rights of some of its students and an Army veteran by preventing them from expressing their conservative views while allowing liberal opinions, a Fox News investigation found.

Group leaders for student activities at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, Illinois, told students they could not form conservative clubs because they were “anti-Semitic and racist.” The school also revoked a job offer accepted by an Army veteran based on his political views.

Loyola Academy, a private school with high profile alums like comedian Bill Murray and actor Chris O’Donnell, is usually protected from civil rights laws.


In April 2020, under the CARES Act’s Paycheck Protection Program, the school raised $ 4.87 million in federal funds to keep workers on payroll during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants in the program must agree, under federal laws for the protection of citizens, “not to discriminate against business practices, including employment practices and services,” according to the Congressional Research Service.

“If the school accepts federal funding, it is technically and precisely required to treat freedom of expression as the federal government requires after the first amendment,” said Judge Andrew Napolitano, chief legal analyst at Fox News.

The first change protects freedom of expression, religion and the press.

Loyola Academy did not respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Conservative students in Loyola were told in December 2020 that they could not start a chapter from Turning Point USA, an organization that advocates conservative narration on school grounds because it overlaps with the politics club. The students said there was no overlap because Turning Point USA took a different position from the liberal political club. Then they were told that Turning Point USA was “anti-Semitic and racist”.

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Attempts to create at least one other conservative group, Young Americans for Freedom, met with similar opposition.

This happened when Loyola displayed a banner of the Black Lives Matter in one of the busiest aisles. Black Lives Matter set up a political action committee in the weeks leading up to the 2020 elections to influence the outcome.

A Black Lives Matter banner hanging in a Loyola Academy hallway.

To avoid or question civil rights violations, the Loyola Academy “would need to demonstrate that the permission of Black Lives Matter and other organizations at this end of the political spectrum is not detrimental to the school’s educational mission, but rather the permission of young Americans Turning Point USA is kind of for freedom or freedom, “said Napolitano.

He added that it was “almost impossible” for the school to do this.

“What happened is against our expectations of the school and the ‘contract’ and trust we have in the school to fully shape our children according to the tenets of our faith,” said one parent on condition of anonymity Fear of backlash that felt that because Loyola is a private institution, it can do what it wants.


The school says on its website that the Jesuit tradition encourages them to “participate and have a respectful dialogue and listen with ears of compassion”. The Loyola Academy aims to “create a welcoming, accepting school culture and a climate in which all members really feel that they belong”.

George Kemper, an Army veteran who served as a specialist in northeast Syria and graduated from Loyola Academy in 2013, was offered a job as a novice baseball coach in November.

Spc George Kemper holds a Loyola Academy flag while serving in the U.S. Army.

Spc George Kemper holds a Loyola Academy flag while serving in the U.S. Army.

While Kemper received a letter “officially” inviting him to coach the team, his employment was subject to background checks, concussion tests, and other undisclosed regulations, according to emails from Fox News.

The part-time offer, which Kemper accepted in writing two days after receipt, paid a grant of $ 2,755, which was to be raised every three years at a little more than $ 1,000.

An offer plus the acceptance of this offer as well as the party who refers to this offer establishes that it is contractually legally binding.

“I was really excited to return to this community after retiring from the army,” said Kemper, a third-generation graduate of the school. Both his grandfather and uncle were accepted into Loyola’s gymnasium, and his father went to school there as well.


In early January 2021, before Kemper received the official documents for an offer, Kemper received a phone call advising him that the opportunity was due to some politically sensitive Facebook posts detailing the COVID-19 restrictions issued by various states in Question was asked, was withdrawn.

George Kemper Facebook posts

George Kemper Facebook posts

“Federal civil rights laws prohibit recruitment, promotion, non-promotion or dismissal based on political opinions,” said Napolitano.

“So it’s clear the school is tied to it because they accepted the PPP funds and whatever they did to him, he’s clearly in that area,” he added. Kemper was “either not hired or dismissed because of his political views after accepting her offer”.

According to the law, Kemper, who was “not sure” whether his rights were violated, should be entitled to monetary damages and injunctive relief or a check for lost wages and a comparable job at the school. It is possible that Kemper could also receive punitive damages due to political prejudice.

A Facebook search conducted by Fox News found that at least one teacher, Peter Jansen, posted left-wing content. Fox News reported in March that Jansen had asked students to answer for their white privilege. The Loyola Community has since started a petition in support of Jansen and the school’s theological department.


“The parents don’t want anyone to be fired, we just want this to be fixed,” the parent said anonymously.

Kemper says he doesn’t regret talking about the COVID restrictions, but wishes the school had handled the situation differently by giving him the opportunity to explain himself.


“My family and I are very proud to be from Loyola,” said Kemper.

“I hope the school will see the folly in their ways and in some aspects of their policies and correct them,” he added. “It would bring people back to Loyola who are not proud to be associated with them right now.”