Authorities Seeks Feedback On Workers’ Compensation Guidelines

The government has asked for comments on draft workers’ compensation schemes

The Ministry of Labor and Employment has sought stakeholder proposals on the draft workers’ remuneration schemes under the Social Insurance Act 2020, which includes provisions on employer’s liability for damages in the event of fatal accidents, serious bodily harm or occupational diseases.

The Center announced this draft rule on June 3, 2021 and has now asked for suggestions or objections within 45 days of the above date.

The Social Security Act 2020 amends and consolidates social security laws with the aim of extending social security to workers and workers in the organized and unorganized sectors.

The draft regulations on employee compensation include the provisions on the manner of filing an application or settlement, the interest rate for late payment of compensation, the place of jurisdiction for proceedings and the transfer of matters, the notification and the manner of transferring money from one competent authority to another and agreements with other countries for the transfer of funds paid in compensation.

The 2020 Social Insurance Act draft regulations relating to the Employee Pension Fund, the State Employee Insurance Company, Allowances, Maternity Allowance, Social Security and Leave for Construction Workers and Other Construction Workers, Social Security for Unorganized Workers, Oil Rig Workers and Platform Workers, and Employment Information were released on Aug. November 2020 communicated.