Armed Apocalyptic Spiritual Sect With Ties to Group Trump Buys Milion-Greenback Texas Compound to Prep for ‘Deep State’ Conflict

A pro-Trump and pro-gun sect led by Hyung Jin “Sean” Moon has bought nearly $ 1 million worth of property in Texas to prepare for the upcoming war with the Deep State, Vice’s Tess Owen reported Thursday to prepare. The sect’s name – “rod of iron” – and their habit of wielding assault weapons as part of their worship service reflect their leaders’ interpretation of a passage from the biblical book of Revelation that says Jesus was in his enemies with a staff Pieces are smashed from iron.

Moon is the son of the late Sun Myung Moon, founder of the politically active Unification Church that founded the right-wing newspaper The Washington Times. Sean Moon’s brother owns a gun shop.

The purchase of the property and its governmental purpose commemorate the 1993 siege on a religious outskirts in Waco, Texas, which ended in a fire that killed numerous people. Moon himself mentioned this incident in an Instagram video posted on Thursday. Moon wore a crown of bullets and a vest declaring himself the Black Robed Regiment while repeating false right-wing claims that David Chipman, Biden’s candidate to head the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau, posed for a photo in the ruins of what he called an example of federal tyranny.

“America is currently in existential crisis,” said Moon in the video. “We have forsaken God. We have become part of this rampant, shabby, degraded moral culture. We have deviated from God’s principles. … That will destroy a country and God will allow it to be judged just as He did with the Israelites. “

Right Wing Watch noted last fall, Trump adviser Steve Bannon spoke at a festival organized by Rod of Iron warning that “the left” would attempt to steal former President Donald Trump Pennsylvania and the presidency with postal ballot papers . Vice reported that Pennsylvania State Christian Nationalist Senator Doug Mastriano, who was positioning himself for a run for governor, was “recently billed as a special guest” at another Rod of Iron event.

The rhetoric and teaching of Church Leader Hyung Jim “Sean” Moon, who was in the US Capitol during the January 6 riot, “has become even more radical and militaristic,” according to Vice. Vice reports:

“The internationalist Marxist globalists are trying to start a civil war here so that they can bring in the UN troops and the Chinese Chi-Com military to destroy and kill all gun owners, Christians and any opposition, i.e. Trump supporters,” Moon said matter-of-factly in a recent sermon, “We are in the death of America right now, so of course God allows us to expand.”

On January 3, his church sent a notice to members. “Some federal agents are acting as a criminal cartel and are in the process of stealing these presidential elections,” the statement said. “We have to prepare and train for the fight.”

“Obviously, it is better if we can use our freedom of expression and assembly to remedy grievances,” he continued. “Otherwise we have to fight physically, many will die.”

Three days later, when Trump fans gathered in Washington, DC, Moon posted a video on Instagram from outside the Capitol amid the insurgent crowd, running away from clouds of tear gas with his wife and brother.

Since then, Moon has warned his supporters that the Biden administration is planning to force Trump supporters into re-education camps. One of these followers attacked police officers in Westchester, New York last month. Investigators found that he had a list of people to be “killed,” Vice reported.

As reported by Right Wing Watch in October, Moon has plans and even a written constitution for the future “United States of Cheon Il Guk”. The preamble to the constitution states: “Cheon Il Guk, the kingdom of God (and / or heaven), a sovereign and actual nation, does not yet exist in this world, but is the long-awaited culmination of the end of time, as in Scripture prophesies of the Bible. “The preamble ends with Moon claiming a royal and messianic role inherited from his father, Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon:

Now that I, Hyung Jin Moon, take my rightful place as King of the Second Kingship of the Kingdom of God, Cheon Il Guk, as the crowned successor and representative of the cosmic true Parents of heaven and earth and full heir to kingship from God, with all of them Authority that my father, Sun Myung Moon, has in me – the true Father, Messiah, Lord of the Second Advent and King of Kings, hereby declare the following immutable and immutable “Constitution of Cheon Il Guk”. this must NEVER be shortened or supplemented in their lists.

This article was originally published by Right Wing Watch and is republished here with permission.