AOC Smacks Down Sarah Sanders for Complaining She’s Misplaced 50,000 Followers After Twitter Expels Professional-Trump ‘Neo-Nazis’

US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has some “free advice” for you Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “If you lose tens of thousands of followers as soon as Twitter starts defeating neo-Nazis and violent insurgents, you might not be promoting it!”

Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s former White House press secretary planning a run to become the next Arkansas governor, took to the social media platform that President Donald Trump had just banned from Wednesday’s domestic terrorist attack and that of her former Chief instigated coup attempt not to mourn the death of a Capitol policeman, but their loss of Twitter followers.

Free Consultation – If you are losing tens of thousands of followers the moment Twitter defeats neo-Nazis and violent insurgents, you might not be promoting it!

Maybe people don’t follow you either because you support a coupiste, because they are interested in our country. Https://

– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 10, 2021

Huckabee Sanders responded to a tweet from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who attacked Twitter by proposing to purposely remove large numbers of top Republican supporters, including himself, and to purposely increase top Democrat supporters in order to “To create an echo chamber. ”

How to create an echo chamber …

– Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) January 9, 2021

It is not known if the numbers published by Pompeo are legitimate.

Twitter appears to have purged or evicted large numbers of right-wing extremists. On Saturday night, NCRM first reported that Rudy Giuliani had lost 60 followers, whose accounts were banned or otherwise deleted – despite no longer following 25 top Republicans, including Vice President Mike Pence.