All These Additional Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine Present in Vials? Trump’s Veterans Dept. Is Throwing Them Out.
President Donald Trump’s Veterans Department is throwing away additional coronavirus vaccine found in Pfizer vials designed for five vaccinations.
“Inventory Monitoring.”
Just a day after doctors and nurses started vaccinating Americans with the much-anticipated coronavirus vaccine, reports came that many vials of five injections had enough for one or two more. Two more injections from a five-injection vial is literally an additional 40%, meaning up to 40% of Americans could be protected from the deadly disease sooner than expected.
With vaccine stocks low and delays to be expected after President Donald Trump bought millions more doses from Pfizer, the extra vaccine is literally a lifesaver.
Except for President Donald Trump’s Veterans Affairs Department.
An internal memo from (formerly CBS Radio) reveals that the VA “plans to discard additional doses of the coronavirus vaccine from overfilled Pfizer vials, despite orders from the Food and Drug Administration to remove all doses during the emergency use in public health. ”
Veterans Affairs officials said they “argued that using the extra doses could jeopardize the vaccine’s future allocation.”
VA officials do not want medical personnel to administer more than the five doses per vial, and additional doses should be “discarded” according to a memo received from Connecting Vets sent to Veterans Health Administration chiefs of pharmacy and others at the Thursday morning department. “
The Food and Drug Administration, which regulates vaccines, has publicly ordered medical professionals to use all available vaccines.
“CDC requires strict inventory control of this product,” states the VA memo. “Pulling extra doses makes the data questionable.”
“Sending seemingly inaccurate data to CDC can compromise VA’s ability to receive additional product assignments in the future,” added the memo by Jennifer L. Zacher.
Almost 4,000 Americans died of COVID-19 just yesterday. Over 310,000 Americans have already been killed by the coronavirus.