New ODU residence corridor named after civil rights pioneer Hugo A. Owens

NORFOLK, VA. (WAVY) – The doors of the Hugo A. Owens house on the Old Dominion University campus are now open.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam attended a ribbon cutting ceremony Thursday for the new dormitory.

ODU release schedule for personal graduation

Owens House honors the legacy of Dr. Hugo A. Owens, a Hampton Roads civil rights icon and the first African-American Rector of the ODU Visitors’ Committee.

Governor Ralph Northam discusses the importance of Dr. Owens and Its Relationship to Today’s Social Justice Movement and Its Impact on the State. Photo Chuck Thomas / ODU

The five-story building, valued at $ 62 million, has 470 beds.

At 165,000 square feet, it’s the second largest residential complex in ODU, but it’s the first fully wireless building on campus.

The impressive facility has a long list of additional features including an innovation lab, live study communities, classrooms, study rooms, study communities, dormitory and faculty staff, common rooms, a cybersecurity lab, and a Dr. Hugo A. Owens.

Rosa Owens, Hugo Owens Jr., Paula Owens Parker and Patrice Owens Parker pose in front of a wall in honor of their father. Photo Chuck Thomas / ODU

This is one of two major projects to improve STEM-H education at the university. The other is a $ 75 million chemical building that’s just a short walk from Owens House. It opened just days before Owens House and features the Michael & Kimthanh Lê Digital Theater & Planetarium, 24 research laboratories, 13 teaching laboratories, and 113 electrical panels.

There’s a lot going on at ODU. Just last month, the university also laid the foundation stone for its new health sciences building. Officials say the facility will centralize all health sciences on campus, including the new occupational therapy doctoral program coming to ODU in January 2023.

There is a new sign in place of the new Health Sciences building. The building will be completed in summer 2023.