Trump Jr. Blasted for Telling Violent MAGAites ‘Don’t Begin Performing Just like the Different Facet’

After President Donald Trump induced his MAGA supporters to storm and break through the U.S. Capitol, the president’s son took to Twitter to distance himself from the violent coup attempt – by attempting to label Democrats as violent.

“This is wrong and not who we are,” tweeted Trump Jr. “Be peaceful and use your 1st amendment rights, but don’t act like the other side. We have to save a country and that doesn’t help anyone. “

This is wrong and not who we are. Be peaceful and use your first change rights, but don’t act like the other side. We have a country to save and that doesn’t help anyone.

– Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 6, 2021

It was quickly destroyed on social media.

Maybe it’s time to talk to your crazy daddy.

– digby (@ digby56) January 6, 2021

This is literally what your dad asked for

– Josh Barro (@jbarro) January 6, 2021

This is not who we are.

This is who YOU ​​are, you cowardly seditious bastard.

– Stonekettle (@Stonekettle) January 6, 2021

Don Jr. lost his nerve with the violent insurgents he called for action.

– Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 6, 2021

My fascist terrorist movement behaves in a fascist terrorist way ????????!? !!!!!!!!!! ??

– Eli Valley (@elivalley) January 6, 2021

Too late shit. You’ve been telling these pigs for years how many guns you have and how inhuman the libraries are because your father doesn’t love you and never will. Congratulations on the sole fulfillment of your meaningless life: stirring up a Nazi coup

– Dan O’Sullivan: Private Investigator (@Bro_Pair) January 6, 2021

“We were just trying to make money out of idiots and oops, we almost overthrew democracy instead.”

– Gary Legum (@GaryLegum) January 6, 2021

Your father literally told them to do this. “We’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Ave … and we’re going to go to the Capitol … we’re going to give them the pride and boldness they need to take our land back”

– Doug Ellison (@doug_ellison) January 6, 2021

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