Mike Pence Chooses Proper Wing Spiritual Org Tied to Anti-LGBTQ Hate Group to Host His First Publish-VP Speech

Former Vice President Mike Pence has selected a Christian organization dedicated to “convincing Bible principles” and upholding religious freedom to deliver its first speech since leaving the White House. Palmetto Family, a group with ties to anti-LGBTQ organizations, including one hate group, is based in South Carolina, the state that led to President Joe Biden winning the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

The group opposes same-sex marriage and the right to vote for a woman. It is also against sex education, pornography and is one of his “achievements” that “11-year-olds do not need to be vaccinated against sexual diseases”.

“Pence, who has worked with the Heritage Foundation and Young America’s Foundation since retiring from administration, has not indicated whether he plans to take office in the future, but his decision to make his post-administration debut in South Carolina helps making a decision to mark a potential presidential bid for 2024, ”reports The Associated Press. “The state holds the first presidential primaries in the south, and candidates from both major parties typically spend more than a year in the state introducing themselves and trying to get support.”

Palmetto Family, formerly the Palmetto Family Council, says it is affiliated with both the anti-LGBTQ organization Focus on the Family and the anti-LGBTQ hate group Family Research Council.

Between 450 and 600 people are expected to attend Pence’s speech and dinner.

The Palmetto family also counts among their accomplishments that the “Ten Commandments may be displayed in public buildings”: “Schools must comply with state abstinence laws in sex education or lose funding.” of the campus. ”The Bible can be taught in public schools as history and literature. “And” Biological standards must allow criticism of evolution. “

Pence, President of the Palmetto Family, Dave Wilson, told the AP, “It reflects the ideas, guidelines and directions we want to see at Palmetto Family in South Carolina: putting trust first and the next generation of conservative leaders for ours Promote the state. ”

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