‘Depart Our Nation!’ Morning Joe Blasts Buddies and Household Nonetheless Questioning Trump’s Election Loss

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough hit his friends and family who are still clinging to the lie that Donald Trump stole the election.

The Morning Joe host spent much of the Friday field against the people who once insisted, “America – love it or leave it,” and said the questioning of President Joe Biden’s legitimacy was based on the weakest evidence is an insult to the Constitution and democracy itself.

“I see the conspiracy theories, I have people who keep sending them to me,” Scarborough said. “I go through. Every single conspiracy theory can be easily refuted in about two or three minutes – every single one, every single one – and yet they don’t want to go on Google. They don’t want to know the truth. They want to know what is true for them. They want to know their truth and their truth is that that choice has been rigged. “

He called out officials in Arizona who legitimize conspiracy theories with their whimsical “scrutiny” of Maricopa County’s results, which is likely to result in costly voting machine replacements.

“It’s just such nonsense that they think Republicans who run Arizona in Maricopa County and Republicans who run the Georgia elections are going to rig those elections,” he said stupidly. It’s a lazy, stupid conspiracy theory, and I say it’s lazy because all people would have to do is do about five minutes of research if they see these lies being spat on them and they were doing the truth . But they don’t want to know the truth. “

“You know the Bible verse when it says that people in darkness walk in light and know the difference between darkness and light and still have the choice of darkness,” added Scarborough. “That’s exactly what is happening here. People could tell the difference between truth and a lie. They don’t want you to tell them the truth. You don’t want to investigate for five minutes. “

Blindly swallowing those lies, Scarborough said, was far worse than the silent – and, for some, extremely controversial – protest by former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick against police brutality and systemic racism.

“They want to wallow in the lie that enables them to think terrible things about American democracy, that enables them to do things far worse than desecrating the American flag, far worse than before football games to kneel on the sidelines, “Scarborough said. “They desecrate democracy, they desecrate American institutions. They desecrate all of the things that the American flag is a symbol of. So you will fight for the symbol to the death, you will not care for a second what this symbol stands for – Madisonian democracy, the United States Constitution, the People’s House, the center of democracy, not only in America, but on the whole world. So you’re going to freak out about someone who doesn’t pay enough respect to a symbol, but you just get – I’m just saying, throw dirt over anything that symbol represents, and you do it every day. “

“This isn’t about Joe Biden, this isn’t about Joe Biden a long time ago,” he continued. “This is about you, this is about you playing in what each of our enemies wants, that you play, that American democracy is not trustworthy, that American democracy is no different from Russia. If that’s what you believe, I’ll tell you what many of you said in the 1960s: America, love it or leave it! If you no longer have any respect in American democracy, if you no longer respect Madison’s checks and balances, if your husband does not win, if these are the new rules for the commitment of this great republic, then simply leave our country because you are not worth it, and there are millions of immigrants who come here and raise their right hand and join the creed and believe that we are extraordinary, that American democracy is the greatest government in the world, and they will proudly do it ! You will proudly greet the flag and, above all, fight for what this flag represents, while shaming yourself, while embarrassing yourself, while embarrassing our country in the eyes of the world. Yes, that is entirely up to you. “

“Get the facts, live in the light, follow the truth and love this land and stop this – or go,” added Scarborough. “Or leave if you want to believe a reality TV host’s lies about the American Republic, its desecration of the American State of Emergency. Then just get out of here, we don’t want you here. That’s all I have to say “

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